Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Most Popular Dangerous Shoe

Crocs have been one of the hottest items the past few years taking America by storm and now they are selling everywhere. Seriously, any mall I go to has a store selling Crocs and more and more people are wearing them.

I don't have a pair because I never thought of it as fashionable, but I have tried one on before. I must say that it's probably the lightest shoe I have ever worn, but not necessarily the most comfortable. The price is very affordable and it's one of the popular items that many people seem to want so badly, but are Crocs really that great? I think they're overrated.

Because it's turned into one of those cool brands that everyone needs to have, it seems like people are buying more into the brand than the actual shoe. Have we forgotten how dangerous these shoes are? In Japan around every escalator there's a sign that warns people wearing Crocs that they shouldn't stand too close to the edge or the shoe might be pulled into the escalator, injuring their toes. It's hard to say that Crocs are the ultimate bad guy in these cases, we could even blame the escalator, but then again, why don't these kind of accidents happen with other shoes?

Okay, let's pretend that they aren't so dangerous and all. Then my real question is, why are these Crocs so popular? Sure, they're light, affordable, and sold in many colors, sizes, and designs, but isn't that it? As far as I know, you can't run in it, play ball games in it, and I think (and hope) every fashionista around me can agree that it's the least fashionable shoe ever. People are wearing these shoes everywhere and this craze is spreading like a disease! Whatever happened to all the fashion? I don't understand why we have to dress so common, like everyone else and wear the same things. I think it's time for people to be original and to stop following all the trends, especially the bad ones. How about you?


Anna Pope said...

I can't stand them. I honestly think they look quite horrible and no amount of comfort can hide that. Ballet flats are comfortable too so people, please, put the crocs down and run away as far as you can!

FeiraChic said...

I totally agree with you! There are so many great options out there, and these shoes, in my opinion, are hideous!!

Ashleigh said...

my 13 year old brother must own about 6 pairs of these....I HATE them...I guess the younger ones 9I like seeing them on babies) can pull it off...but there is no excuse to see grown men and wome sportig these unless theyre working in a garden (which is what they were made for) or in a hospital!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse said...

I agree, these are hideous and they give people clown feet. But I heard you can eat them...so maybe if I am only allowed one pair of shoes when I get stranded on a desert island--these will be the ones... Outside of that, let's collect them and burn them.

Sharon said...

Hi there-I'm sorry, but I agree with the majority-I really don't like them! I'd rather wear trainers or flip flops!!

Economy of Style said...

Crocs scare me. I will never understand them. The company has been branching out too...there are new styles...yuck!

Sure, let's exchange links!


Grace said...

Explaining why Crocs are popular is like trying to expain to a rational and intelligent person why America is still at war in Iraq. It's nearly impossible. Crocs are one of the most hideous shoe inventions of all time.

Ida said...

I have never understood the craze about them, and I still do, I probably never will. I somewhat get it when men sport them - no idea why - but women in Crocs are simply beyond me *lol*

Lisa Teng said...

thank goodness the people i know don't own a single pair of crocs. it's horrid...one of those things that should go away! i'm afraid it's not going to die down soon...but eventually, it'll be just another fad.

Blonde hair, Blue jeans said...

oh my god, i hate crocs!! just can't stand them...i don't understand hy they became trendy!


Clumsy Girl said...

Crocs are really ugly. Also I'd <3 to trade links.

Anonymous said...

i couldn't agree more. the only people in which these are accepted, are toddlers, who manage to look just about everything look cute.

Anonymous said...

egghhh i think that during the summer when it gets too hot to wear ugg people didnt know what to do. so some one made an equally ugly shoe to be wore in the summer

Siljesfashion said...

I think these are some of the uggliest things I have ever seen! They will never end up on my feet.

Unknown said...

To tell the truth, i don't waste my time or money with these shoes: they're just ugly!!!! And not so confortable as i imagined it sould be, i tried one before.
As the great Shaekspeare said: "Much ado about nothing..."

Margaux said...

I really hate Crocs. And I hate when people compare them to Uggs. I know Uggs aren't trendy, but they aren't nearly as ugly as Crocs. And mine are oh so comfy!

Danz said...

I've never worn them but they look hard and uncomfortable to me. I just don't get their appeal :S

michelle said...


roxanne said...

no more crocs! ever!

you actually can run in them.. i've seen kids at my camp pull it off with ease. but still, totally unforgivable. at any age..

Hunters Glory said...

Agree...dont understand the attraction with these shoes.

Tricia said...

yuk, crocs, ok for chefs and kids-everyone else, NO.

Fashion Is Poison said...

oh man. those would never see my closet!

Unknown said...

i hate crocks and i think they could just disapear

Reena Rai said...

I hate comfort shoes, it's terrible but I would prefer pretty but slightly painful shoes over Crocs anyday!! I didn't even buy into the whole Birkenstock craze

Azure Accessories said...

I agree with everyone...I do not like crocs...would never wear them...they are the most unflattering summer shoe around..even if you have small feet, which I don't...your foot looks huge...not for me thanks...I'll take a nice sandle any day!!!! No Birkenstock's for me either...:0)


yiqin; said...

In Singapore, the national footwear is slippers. I don't get it either. My flats are as comfortable too! & it IS possible to have comfortable AND stylish shoes!!

Btw, my cousin lost his toe while wearing crocs on the escalator! He couldn't walk for a year! I don't understand why people choose to wear them when they're dangerous!

Couture Carrie said...

Crocs are baaaaaaad. So pedestrian. So heinous-looking. We fashionistas want to look good; comfort is optional. If I never see another croc again it will be too soon!

styledigger said...

Ohh I think those shoes are really overrated! I don't like them- they look like small children' shoes.

Greetings from Poland:)

riz said...

I thought these were things people int he medical profession wore...

Always In Style said...

oh my, i hate crocs. they are truly the most hideous trend ever. i'd take acid wash, big hair, and fake fingernails before i'd rock crocs!

i don't think even kids could make those cute!

chauss said...

crocs? not in my shoe vocabulary...

Unknown said...

Hi, I love your blog, just added you to my blogroll. I would love to be added to yours!


Madame Dior said...

Suprisingly, a lot of people wear them here in Sydney, but i personally don't like them, there's nothing appealing about them in my opinion, but they do look cute on toddlers, great post, would you care to swap links?

Anonymous said...

Crocs are beyond hideous. Since last summer more and more people started wearing them here in Belgium, and now total stores are popping up too :(. They've even started selling accessories, little flowers and things which you can click into the holes of those god awfull things to decorate them.
I've noticed it's usually a certain type of people who wear them, the same that would wear matching nylon training jackets.

heartu,kisses said...

eww. no no no non niet niltch nada never ever ever. seriously, why do people buy them?

Madame Dior said...

Hey Fashion Addict, I've added you to my blog roll =]

Anonymous said...

Crocs actually scare me! We sell knockoff ones at the store I work at and when I have to refill the display I can hardly breathe they smell so strongly!

I have added you to my blogroll, hope you don't mind :)

Gemma xx

So Stylish So Sassy said...

these are so hideous and dont understand how they've become so popular! OH DEAR!

Anonymous said...

Crocs are the most hideous creations ever! I remember the first time I saw them I thought what the **** are they! I still think why, why, why whenever I see them.

Angela said...

hate crocs.... it's looks cute on a 5 year old not on a fully grown adult...

batates_777 said...

This is way trueeee..though its not so common here where i belong ...but i cant stand them ,, i hv seen 'em everywhere ...especially on beaches..but i dont think ppl were into it !! ..the most benefit for it would be in gardens as somone mentioned here or at the red sea..

visit my blog :

Anniq said...

I'm so happy someone did a post on Crocs. They are probably the ugliest shoes people can be seen wearing..I thought they were used for gardening not casual strollings at the mall, people should consider fashion over comfort more often..especially in cases such as crocs!

BlossomClothing said...

i hate them so much, they are so ugly lol

Imelda Matt - The Despotic Queen of Shoes said...

Ghastly plastic clogs...barf! I like to enforce some kind mass amputation. you wear crocs, you you have your feet amputated...simple solution!

ELM said...

It's true that these shoes are dangerous! I was watching these two little boys once, who were wearing them, their parents were just sitting there watching as well while the boys ran and chased eachother in the Crocs. Every couple of minutes or so, one or the other would fall down and cry (and it happened maybe 4 times before the parents moved on!) Yikes!

I find crocs to be acceptable only for gardeners perhaps or sedentary children, because from the ones that I know, they enjoy collecting the charms that fit into them. Get a charm bracelet!! So much prettier!

Hadley said...

i have a pair that i've maybe worn 6 times in the past year. they are good for:
walking on sharp rocks at the beach.

that is all.

Anonymous said...




Anonymous said...

Kids do not look cute in shoes responsible for ripping their poor toes out. Crocs are DANGEROUS in looks and in quality!